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Swedbank AB ser A

Swedbank AB ser A is a leading financial institution headquartered in Sweden, offering a comprehensive range of banking and financial services to individuals, businesses, and institutions. With a rich history dating back to 1820, Swedbank has earned a reputation as a reliable and trustworthy partner for its customers, providing innovative solutions and personalized advice to help them achieve their financial objectives. The bank operates through a network of branches and digital channels, serving customers in Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Swedbank's core business areas include retail banking, corporate banking, asset management, and insurance. The bank is committed to sustainability and responsible business practices, and has set ambitious targets to reduce its environmental impact and promote social responsibility. With a strong focus on customer satisfaction and long-term relationships, Swedbank is dedicated to helping its customers succeed and grow.

Dettagli dello strumento Swedbank AB ser A

Valore minimo dell'ordine 1
Descrizione Swedbank AB ser A
Valore massimo dell'ordine 3312
Fase di transazione 1
Type Equities SE
Ore di trading monday-friday 09:01-17:24
Entità del contratto / 1 lotto Price * 1 SEK
Deposito necessario 20%
Valore di 1 pip 0.01
Leva finanziaria 5:1
Passaggio minimo 0.01
Swap lungo (giornaliero) -0.01425%
Vendita allo scoperto YES
Swap corto (giornaliero) -0.00381%
SL e TP a distanza 0
Swap di 3 giorni (data) 5

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Oltre 20 anni di attività sui mercati, le migliori analisi, strumenti moderni e migliaia di clienti soddisfatti. Fai trading con un broker pluripremiato
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