EDP Renovaveis SA

EDP Renováveis SA is a globally recognized renewable energy company that specializes in the development, construction, and operation of wind and solar power plants. With a strong presence in over 14 countries, the company boasts a total installed capacity of over 12 GW, making it one of the largest renewable energy companies in the world. EDP Renováveis is committed to sustainability and reducing carbon emissions, and its renewable energy projects have played a significant role in reducing the world's dependence on fossil fuels. The company's mission is to provide clean, reliable, and affordable energy to communities worldwide, while also creating value for its shareholders and stakeholders. EDP Renováveis is dedicated to innovation and technology, constantly exploring new ways to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its renewable energy solutions.

Dettagli dello strumento EDP Renovaveis SA

Valore minimo dell'ordine 1
Descrizione EDP Renovaveis SA
Valore massimo dell'ordine 2186
Fase di transazione 1
Type Equities PT
Ore di trading monday-friday 09:01-17:29
Entità del contratto / 1 lotto Price * 1 EUR
Deposito necessario 20%
Valore di 1 pip 0.001
Leva finanziaria 5:1
Passaggio minimo 0.001
Swap lungo (giornaliero) -0.01714%
Vendita allo scoperto YES
Swap corto (giornaliero) -0.00092%
SL e TP a distanza 0
Swap di 3 giorni (data) 5

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