The Gold Market in September 2024: A Bullish Outlook Amid Monetary Easing and Supply Constraints

11.09.2024 09:51 AM

The gold market in September 2024 continues to captivate investors, fueled by a confluence of factors that have driven the metal to near-record highs and solidified its position as a safe haven asset. In August, gold prices reached a new all-time high of $2,531 per ounce, reflecting a broader trend of rising demand and constrained supply. As we move further into September, several key developments in the global economy, particularly in monetary policy, are poised to shape the future trajectory of gold.

The Impact of Federal Reserve Policy

One of the most significant influences on the gold market this month has been the U.S. Federal Reserve's shifting monetary policy. At the annual Jackson Hole Symposium in August, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell hinted at imminent rate cuts, signaling a potential easing of monetary conditions. This prospect has been well anticipated by the futures market, which is pricing in a series of rate reductions that could bring the Federal Funds rate down to around 2.75% by the end of 2025.

The anticipation of lower interest rates is crucial for gold. As real yields on U.S. Treasury bonds are expected to decline, with the 10-year real yield potentially falling below 1% within the next year, the opportunity cost of holding non-yielding assets like gold decreases. Additionally, a weaker U.S. dollar, which is likely to result from these rate cuts, further supports the price of gold by making it cheaper for foreign buyers.

Resilient Investor Demand

Investor interest in gold has remained robust despite periods of volatility in the broader financial markets. In early August, heightened risk aversion led to a temporary reduction in gold futures positions and gold-backed ETF holdings. However, this was quickly reversed as investor confidence rebounded. By late August, net open futures positions had increased significantly, and gold-backed ETFs saw inflows, particularly in North America and Europe.

This resilience underscores gold's enduring appeal as a hedge against uncertainty, whether driven by economic factors or geopolitical tensions. The correlation between gold and silver has also remained strong, with silver prices following a similar trajectory to gold, albeit with more volatility due to its industrial applications.

Supply Constraints and Rising Extraction Costs

On the supply side, gold's outlook is bolstered by constrained production and rising extraction costs. The World Gold Council reports that the average All-In Sustaining Cost (AISC) of gold mining has increased by 10% year-over-year, reaching $1,439 per ounce in early 2024. This increase is driven by higher labor, fuel, and electricity costs, as well as the challenges of mining in increasingly inhospitable environments.

As accessible gold deposits become scarcer, mining companies are forced to invest more in exploration and technology to sustain production levels. This trend is expected to continue, further underpinning the price of gold. The rising AISC, combined with a relatively stable demand outlook, suggests that the gold market will remain in a supply-constrained environment, supporting higher prices.

Long-Term Outlook: A Bullish Scenario

Looking ahead, the long-term prospects for gold appear favorable. Scenario analysis suggests that gold could rise to $3,835 per ounce over the next five years, with a possible range of $2,440 to $5,600 per ounce. These projections are based on the continuation of current trends in real income growth, fiscal imbalances, and geopolitical risks, all of which are likely to sustain strong demand for gold.

The ongoing fiscal challenges in the U.S., highlighted by rising public debt and interest payments, add another layer of support for gold as an inflation hedge. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has expressed concerns about the sustainability of U.S. fiscal policy, further enhancing gold's appeal as a store of value.


September 2024 finds the gold market in a strong position, supported by a mix of favorable monetary conditions, resilient investor demand, and constrained supply. As central banks around the world, particularly the U.S. Federal Reserve, move towards more accommodative policies, the conditions are ripe for further gains in gold prices. Investors looking for stability in uncertain times are likely to continue turning to gold, ensuring its place as a cornerstone of financial portfolios in the months and years ahead.

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