OANDA’s API integration portal for developers

It’s easy to integrate OANDA’s powerful exchange rates API into your system, software or application. Plus, you’ll be able to save valuable resources and time by using our self-servicing developers portal.

As a developer you can build your own API integration with us. Or, simply select from our pre-built integrations and connectors that can be up and running almost immediately. Trial our API free for seven days now. See how easy it is to integrate our API into your system for all your company's FX data needs.

FXDS | EN | Exchange Rates API | API Developers | Hero

Icon = White = API
Get your free API key

Start a seven day free trial to access unlimited free quotes or choose an API package that fits your firm's FX data needs.

Icon = White = Developer
Visit developer portal

Use integration documentation, sample code and handy guides to help integrate our API into your platform, tool or website.

Icon = White = Arrow
Start making data requests

Leverage your free API key to test various currency pairs and outputs with our interactive API documentation page.

FXDS | EN | Exchange Rates API | API Developers | Feature | FX Data Currency
Take advantage of our pre-built integrations

We've partnered with ERPs, accounting software providers, treasury management systems, and integration platforms to make API installation as seamless and efficient as possible.

  1. Contact our sales team at fxdata@oanda.com
  2. Get connected with a partner to discuss the requirements
  3. Start pulling data from the OANDA API

Icon = Indigo/White = Platform Ecosystem API
Platform eco-system

Our pre-built integrations allow you to use pre-built interfaces to connect your ERP systems with OANDA. Simply enter your API key in your ERP system and choose a schedule for your updates, and your ERP instance will start receiving rates from OANDA for system-wide use.

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Third party connectors

We’ve developed integrations with specialized partners who support a range of system interfaces with a wide range of third-party systems. Contact one of our integration partners if you don't see your ERP account or treasury platforms here.

FXDS | EN | Exchange Rates API | API Developers | Feature | Choose Our API
Why choose our API?

We’ve partnered with ERPs, accounting software providers, treasury management systems, and integration platforms to make API installations as seamless and efficient as possible.

Outputs in JSON, XML and CSV formats
Over 38,000 currency pairs
Fully redundant servers
Helpful resources

Icon = White = Developer
Work with sample code

Generate API clients in the language of your choice.

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API comparison

We offer direct access to real-time FX data from major participants in the interbank market.

Icon = White = Dollar Document

Our team of experts will help you choose a plan or create a custom quote to fit your exact FX needs.

Icon = White = Tool Wrench

Get in touch today to see how easy it is to integrate our API into your system, platform, app or website.