Embeddable Currency Converter Widget
Currency Converter
Embed the OANDA Currency Converter Widget in your website, and get access to the power of OANDA.
Enjoy these benefits:
- Free to use
- Conversion rates are up to date
- Instant conversions
- Access over 100 currencies including cryptocurrencies and metals!
Copy the following code into your web page to give your visitors access to over 100 currencies!
<div id="oanda_ecc">
<!-- Note: If you alter or remove the following code, the embedded currency widget will not work-->
<span style="color:#000; text-decoration:none; font-size:9px; float:left;">Currency Converter <a id="oanda_cc_link" style="color:#000; font-size:9px;" href="https://www.oanda.com/currency/converter/">by OANDA</a></span>
<script src="https://www.oanda.com/embedded/converter/get/b2FuZGFlY2N1c2VyLy9kZWZhdWx0/?lang=en"></script></div>
Frequently Asked Questions
Why would I add this to my site?
This would allow users to exchange currencies right on your site resulting in a lower bounce rate.
What benefits does this offer my users?
Fewer clicks to get the information they want.
Will this slow down my site?
No, the plugin is small and should not slow down the load time of your site.