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Galp Energia SGPS SA

Galp Energia SGPS SA is a leading Portuguese energy company that specializes in the oil and gas industry. The company is involved in all aspects of the petroleum product supply chain, including exploration, production, refining, distribution, and marketing. Additionally, Galp Energia has a strong presence in the renewable energy sector, with a particular focus on solar and wind power. The company operates in Portugal, Spain, and Brazil, and is expanding its operations globally. Galp Energia is committed to sustainability and has set ambitious targets to reduce its carbon footprint and increase the share of renewable energy in its portfolio. The company is also investing in research and development to develop new technologies and solutions that will enable it to meet the challenges of the energy transition. Galp Energia is a publicly traded company listed on the Euronext Lisbon stock exchange.

Especificación del instrumento para Galp Energia SGPS SA

Valor de orden mínimo 1
Descripción Galp Energia SGPS SA
Valor de orden máximo 4462
Paso de transacción 1
Type Equities PT
Horario comercial monday-friday 09:01-17:29
Tamaño del contrato / 1 lote Price * 1 EUR
Depósito necesario 20%
Valor de 1 pip 0.001
Apalancamiento financiero 5:1
Paso mínimo 0.001
Swap largo (diario) -0.01575%
Venta corta YES
Swap corto (diario) -0.00231%
Distancia SL y TP 0
Triple swap (fecha) 5

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