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Comparison of the MT4 vs MT5 platform

Opportunity to open opposite positions
Clear and very easy to use. Allowing adaptation to your needs.
Almost identical to MT4 with new functionalities facilitating trading and analysis
Available platforms
installation, web, mobile
installation, web, mobile
Available markets
mainly OTC (currencies, indices, commodities, CFD on stocks, CFD on ETFs) 1
mainly OTC (currencies, indices, commodities, CFD on stocks, CFD on ETFs)
Open charts
100 simultaniously
Time intervals
Available time intervals: M1, M5, M15, M30, H1, H4, D1, W1, MN
Available time intervals: M1, M2, M3, M4,M5,M6, M10, M12, M15, M20, M30, H1, H2, H3, H4, H6, H8, H12 D1, W1, MN
Economic calendar
Indicators and analytical objects
30 embedded indicators, 33 analytical objects
38 built-in technical indicators, 22 analytical tools and 46 graphic objects
basic + advanced tables
Strategy tester
single-threaded, you can test on 1 instrument
multi-threaded, option of calculations scattered in the cloud, you can test on many instruments simultaniously
The e-mail system
A programming language

Apertura rápida de cuenta, empiece a invertir ahora

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Abrir una cuenta
Más de 20 años en los mercados, los mejores análisis, modernas herramientas y miles de clientes satisfechos. Trading con un bróker galardonado
Acceso a los mercados mundiales: miles de instrumentos al alcance de su mano Tome decisiones en base a los datos actuales: oportunidades y recomendaciones diarias
Pleno control: herramientas móviles para la gestión de inversiones Trading sin costes innecesarios: sin comisiones en los principales instrumentos. Precios transparentes y spreads históricos
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