Tryg A/S

Tryg A/S is a leading insurance provider in Denmark, catering to both individuals and businesses. With a strong presence in the Nordic region and over 4,000 employees, the company is dedicated to delivering high-quality insurance solutions that meet the unique needs of its customers. Its comprehensive range of insurance products includes car, home, travel, health, and business insurance, as well as pension and investment solutions. Tryg A/S is committed to providing excellent customer service and promoting sustainability by reducing its carbon footprint and adopting sustainable practices across its operations. With a long history of innovation and a focus on staying ahead of the curve, Tryg A/S is poised to continue growing and thriving in the years to come.

Instrumentenspezifikation für Tryg A/S

Minimaler Auftragswert 1
Beschreibung Tryg A/S
Maximaler Auftragswert 2222
Transaktionsschritt 1
Type Equities DK
Trading-Zeiten monday-friday 09:01-16:54
Kontraktgöße / 1 Los Price * 1 DKK
Einzahlung erforderlich 20%
Wert von 1 Pip 0.01
Finanzielle Hebelwirkung 5:1
Minimaler Schritt 0.01
Langfristiger Swap (täglich) -0.01606%
Leerverkauf YES
Kurzfristiger Swap (täglich) -0.002%
Abstand SL und TP 0
3-Tage-Swap (Datum) 5

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